For the joes and janes out there who keep Adam Smith's world turning, this is for you!

Now, as we work ever harder to make our bosses ever richer, let's also do our part in wasting company time to keep the audit team from joining the ranks of the unemployed. Hopefully we all get a salary increase after these selfless acts.

You can find here a little sampler of what I come accross over the span of idle time that i do so enjoy taking during company hours.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Digital Gaming, Medieval Style!

This is the very first browser game that I have ever encountered. Man, was it a world of fun to play this back in 2006--partly because I had the opportunity to play something online while in the office (and with full functionality too, despite the frewall crap from IT).

Knight Fight is basically a standard RPG (for the uninitiated, this means role-playing game) where you suit up your knight and try to advance in levels, by hacking and slashing through other knights who're also trying to advance in levels. You can even join guild wars to up your ante.

The palette for character faces is a bit limited though, as every fair-skinned character here looks kinda German. But hey, this is a German game after all. Oh, and it's the recipient of the 2007 Best German Browser Game of the Year Award.

Freemonger's note:
I give this a 50% in terms of being freeloader friendly. Accounts who pay for in-game benefits are a lot, lot better off than those who don't. Freeloading slacker that I am, please give support by signing up for this game using this link.

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